

程里尧, 著







Cheng liyao,Born in 1932, Mr.Cheng Livao graduated from theSchool of Architecture, Tsinghua University in 1955, and is now asenior editor of the China Architecture & Building Press. Inearly years, he was engaged in city planning and design work. Hehas done much research into the theory and development of Chinesegarden architecture, and has written many books. Chinese GardenArchitecture, Impact of Chinese Garden Architecture on EuropeanGardens, Relationbetween Garden Architecture and Paintings andLiterature, Classical Garden Architecture of Japan are some of hisimportant works. He has also translated quite a number of works,such as Town Design, and Earthscape. In recent years, he has editedthe Series of Famous Chinese Historical and Cultural Cities.


Map of Private Gardens in ChinaGuide to the Private Gardens in SuzhouEditot's NotePreface 1Preface 2General IntroductionDevelopment of Private Gardens——The garden as a means of seclusion,freeing man from his woddly cares in order that he may gain aclearer vision of the truthⅠ. The Hermit and Private GardensⅡ.Wei,jin and the Southern and Northern DynastiesⅢ.Private Gardens of the Tang DynastyⅣ.Advancing towards the Exquisite Private Gardens of the Northernand the Southern Song DynastiesⅤ.Private Gardens of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties——An ArtisticExpression of Philosophical ConceptionsⅥ. Private Gardens of the Qing Dynasty——The Architecture ofBuildings Moving into the ForegroundArtistic Characteristics of Private Gardens——The beauty ofprimitive simpl_icity, The merging of poetry in natural scenery,Awalk through a scrollpainting

Map of Private Gardens in ChinaGuide to the Private Gardens in SuzhouEditot's NotePreface 1Preface 2General IntroductionDevelopment of Private Gardens——The garden as a means of seclusion,freeing man from his woddly cares in order that he may gain aclearer vision of the truthⅠ. The Hermit and Private GardensⅡ.Wei,jin and the Southern and Northern DynastiesⅢ.Private Gardens of the Tang DynastyⅣ.Advancing towards the Exquisite Private Gardens of the Northernand the Southern Song DynastiesⅤ.Private Gardens of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties——An ArtisticExpression of Philosophical ConceptionsⅥ. Private Gardens of the Qing Dynasty——The Architecture ofBuildings Moving into the ForegroundArtistic Characteristics of Private Gardens——The beauty ofprimitive simpl_icity, The merging of poetry in natural scenery,Awalk through a scrollpaintingⅠ.The Outlook on Nature and the Aesthetic Taste of Men ofLettersⅡ.Literature and GardensⅢ.Painting and GardensLayout Plan and Design——To create the limitless within a limitedspace, To integrate the solemn and subdued with the charming andbrightⅠ.Garden and ResidenceⅡ.The Layout of Hills, Rockeries and WaterⅢ.Spatial OrganizationⅣ.The Borrowing of SceneryThe Building of Hills and Rockeries and the Handling ofWater——Harmonious integration of the splendour of mountains withlakes, pools and brooks in deep vallevsⅠ. The Building of Hills and RockeriesⅡ.The Handling of WaterBuilding Forms, Types and Materials——Exquisitely refined pavilions,studios, waterside pavilions and land boatsNotes on the PhotographsJiangsu ProvinceXiaofeihong (Little Flying Rainbow), Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouDaoying Lou (Storied Building with Inverted Reflecdon in Water) andouter wall of Zhuozhengyuan Garden (Humble Administrator's Garden),SuzhouYuanxiang Tang (Hall of Distant Fragrance), Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouXiangzhou (Fragrant Isle), Zhuozhengyu Gardev,SuzhouJianshan Lou (Storied Building with a View of Mountains),Zhuozhengyuan Garden, SuzhouScenery in the western section of Zhuozhengyuan Garden and theBeisi Ta(North Temple Pagoda), SuzhouBieyou Dongtian (Realm of Exceptional Beauty), ZhuozhengyuanGarden, SuzhouLiuyinluqu (Willow-shaded Winding Path), Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouLiuyinluqu viewed from Hefengsimian Ting (Pavilion with Lotus andBreezes on Four Sides),Zhuozhengyuan Garden, SuzhouWuzhuyouju (Secluded Lodge amid Phoenix Trees andBamboos),Zhuozhengyuan Garden, SuzhouXuexiangyunwei Ting (Fragrant Snow and Colourful CloudsPavilion),Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouXiuqi Ting (Pavilion of Unique Beauty), Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouHaitangchunwu (Spring Begonia Cove), Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouThe winding roofed walkxvay of Jianshan Lou, Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouWinding roofed walkway and Yiliang Ting, Zhuozhengyuan Garden,SuzhouScenery of the garden viewed from Yiliang rfing (Pavilion forEnjoying Scenery in Two Directions),ZhuozhengyuanGarden,SuzhouPipa Yuan (Loquat Orchard), Zhuozhengyuan Gardev,SuzhouInterior view of the north hallin Sanshiliu Yuanyang Guan (Thirty-six Mandarin Ducks Hall),Zhuozhengyuan Garden, SuzhouYushuitongzuo Xuan, Zhuozhengyuan Garden, SuzhouFan-shaped windows of Yushuitongzuo Xuan (Whom-to-sit-withPavilion),Zhouzhengyuan Garden,Suzhou……ShanghaiZhejiang ProvinceGuangdong ProvinceAppendices


The sophistication of ancient Chinese architecture gives ita specialplace within the architecture of the world. There aremagnificentimperial palaces, solemn and breathtaking imperialtombs,mysterious sacrificial and ancestral altars and temples aswell asa variety of vernacular dwellings of natural simplicity.Religiousbuildings are dotted about the country, with a riotousprofusionof Buddhist, Taoist and Islamic temples or mosques. On topof allthis, city walls and fortifications, civic buildings formiscellaneouspurposes are rich in variety and form impressivelandmarks.The exceptional series offers wide coverage of themespertainingto all aspects of Chinese architecture and is unrivaledboth for itsextensiveness and accuracy as well as for thepresentation of thematerial.


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私家园林建筑是中国建筑工业出版社于2012.7出版的中图分类号为 TU986.5 的主题关于 私家园林-园林建筑-英文 的书籍。