

(美) 本杰明, 著







致谢 Acknowledgments第一章 职场困境简析Part One An Introduction to Difficult Situations at Work化解职场困境的七个决定性因素Seven Determining Factors When Addressing Difficult Situations atWork第二章 职场中常见的尴尬局面Part Two Embarrassing Situations at Work错发私人电子邮件A Personal E-Mail Reaches Someone Else私人电子邮件被错误地群发A Personal E-Mail Reaches Almost Everyone Else为客户制定的方案中出现了其他客户的名称You Send a Client a Proposal with a Different Client's Name inIt老板无意中听到你对职场中人员和事情的批评言辞Your Boss Overhears You Criticizing Something or Someone atWork你正在批评某人,后来发现当事人可能听到了You Were Criticizing Someone, Then Realized the Person May HaveHeard听到了同事对你的非议You Hear a Coworker Criticizing You向客户催款,但实际上对方已经付过了You Demand Payment from a Client Who, It Turns Out, Paid YouAlready你当众慷慨激昂地强调一个观点,紧接着却发现自己弄错了You Emphasize a Point—Strongly and in Front of Lots of People—ThenImmediately Discover You're Wrong你在报告中提供的事实或者建议被发现是错误的You Provide Facts or Advice in a Report That Proves to BeWrong偶尔(明显地)打嗝、呻吟或者放屁(这的确时有发生)You Accidentally—but Obviously—Burp,Groan, or Break Wind(It DoesHappen)叫错别人的名字You Call a Person by the Wrong Name第三章 聚光灯下(怎么会站在这儿?!)Part Three In the Spotlight—(and Not Sure How You Got There)大庭广众之下感到难以胜任,毫无准备You're in Front of a Group and Feel Utterly Incompetent—andUnprepared没带必要的幻灯片、讲义或者是演讲稿的复印件You Don't Have the Required Slides, Handouts, or Other Copy forYour Presentation需要延长会议或者通过电子邮件重新召集会议讨论某个棘手的问题You Need to Prolong a Meeting—or Reconvene One via E-Mail—on aDifficult Topic同事让你处理某一难题,并且你知道与会者不喜欢这一话题Your Colleagues Ask You to Address a Situation That You Know theAudience Won't Like顾客在公司接待室大声抱怨时,员工向你求助An Employee Turns to You for Help When a Customer StartsComplaining—Loudly—in the Lobby of Your Business在会议上,与会者要求你解释公司发生的一桩丑闻At a Meeting, Participants Ask You to Explain a Scandal ThatOccurred at Your Company新闻界让你谈论你们行业所面临的某个问题A Newspaper Asks You to Discuss a Problem Confronting YourIndustry你成为某一问题或其他棘手情况的关键人物,而你并不清楚怎么会这样You're the Point Person for a Problem or Other DifficultSituation—but You're Not Sure Why第四章 职场中遭遇个人不幸Part Four When Personal Tragedies Flare Up at Work同事被诊断出严重病情A Colleague Is Diagnosed with a Serious Illness员工由于健康原因必须休假An Employee Must Take Leave Because of a Health Problem同事的配偶或父母去世A Colleague’s Partner or Parent Dies员工由于父母或子女生病需要照顾而耽误工作An Employee Must Miss Work Because a Parent or Child Is Sick andRequires Attention你正经历个人困境,工作需要弹性安排You Are Experiencing Personal Problems and Need Flexibility atWork你由于个人原因必须离职,但最终可能想重返岗位You Must Leave Your Job for Personal Reasons but May Want to ReturnEventually第五章 遭遇违抗和怠工Part Five In the Fire of Sabotage and Insubordination持续的消极对抗和抱怨削弱了团队的士气和精力A Constant Air of Passive-Aggressive Whining Undermines Team Moraleand Energy合伙人想要窃取你的项目Associates Try to Steal Your Project你的公司或合伙人向客户谎报工作量以获得更多的业务Your Company or Business Partners Are Lying to the Client About theScope of Work So They Get More Business供应商未能提供所承诺的服务Service Providers Don't Supply What They Promised大批员工突然跳槽到竞争对手的公司There's a Sudden Exodus of Employees to Your Competitor你们的公司遭遇恶意收购Your Company Gets Bought Out in a Hostile Situation第六章 应对压力Part Six Pressure Cookers项目时间紧迫Tight Deadline for a Project突发问题导致期限紧迫Sudden Deadline Because of Unexpected Problems限期紧张源于竞争对手威胁要抢先发布新产品或者抢先开展新业务Tight Deadline Because a Competitor Threatens to Launch aProduct—or Open a New Business—Before You Do你搞砸了一个项目,必须对客户做出解释You Derail a Project and Must Explain to the Customer由于法律或其他方面的新规定,你必须改变你的员工规则、文件或者流程Because of New Requirements (Legal or Otherwise), You Must RedirectYour Employees, Your Paperwork, and Your Processes第七章 遭遇财务困境Part Seven Difficult Financial Situations你的团队预算花光了,必须对此给予解释Your Team Went Over Budget, and You Must Explain Why需要应急专款You Need Unexpected Funding你得知有员工窃取公司财物You Learn Some of the Employees Are Stealing from the Company心仪的客户拖欠款项,你无法与对方交易You Can't Sell to a Favored Client Because His Back Payments AreLong Overdue现金流转出现问题,你被迫推迟支付员工和承包商的工资You Have to Delay Your Employees' and Contractors' Pay Because ofCash Flow Problems由于现金流转问题,你必须让客户提前付款You Need to Ask Clients to Send Their Payments Early Because ofCash Flow Issues你目前工资收支不相抵,需要争取加薪You Can't Make Ends Meet on Your Current Salary and Need to PushHard for a Raise第八章 两性关系的沼泽Part Eight Relationship Quagmires两名员工之间关系暧昧When Two Employees Are Having an Affair老板不正当地向你表示好感When You Receive Inappropriate Overtures from a Boss同事向你献殷勤When a Coworker Comes On to You客户以下流的、粗鲁的或其他不正当的行为骚扰你或者你的员工When a Client Bothers You or Your Employees through Lewd, Rude, orOther Inappropriate Behavior员工在工作时间使用不适当的材料或登陆成人网站When an Employee Uses Inappropriate Materials or Accesses Adult WebSites at Work……


  《成功应对职场困境全攻略》大量实用措辞 成功应对最棘手的职场困境。  你有多么喜爱自己的职业,难免会在工作中遭遇各种困境。这将考验你保持头脑冷静的能力。  《成功应对职场困境全攻略》中提供了大量实用的措辞帮助您躲过灾难,规避与同事之间的尴尬场景,并且使您游刃有余。如果您应邀做一个即兴演讲时,或无意间把一封私人邮件发给老板时,可以参考此书找到最佳用语。  无论你有多么喜爱自己的职业,难免会在工作中遭遇各种困境。这将考验你保持头脑冷静的能力。《成功应对职场困境全攻略》提供了大量实用的措辞帮助您躲过灾难,规避与同事之间的尴尬场景,并且使您游刃有余。如果您应邀做一个即兴演讲时,或无意间把一封私人邮件发给老板时,可以参考此书找到最佳用语。无论您遇到多么尴尬的困境,《成功应对职场困境全攻略》都会给您提供应对措辞,使您在职场上左右逢源成为职场达人。【作者简介】  作为一位管理专家、沟通专家,以及“伟大之声”广播电台的嘉宾热线节目主持人,苏珊 F.本杰明每星期的听众遍布于世界各地。其独到见解专题刊登于各大刊物,包括《华尔街杂志》和《芝加哥论坛》。她还在众多报纸上开辟了沟通问题的专栏,主要有《今日美国》、《迈阿密先驱报》、《芝加哥论坛报》和《纽约日报》等。


尺寸21 × 15装帧平装
页数 156 印数 4500


成功应对职场困境全攻略是人民邮电出版社于2013.2出版的中图分类号为 H019 的主题关于 语言艺术 的书籍。