2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修7学案:Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修7学案:Module 6  The World's Cultural Heritage第1页


  Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage






1.agenda n.    (事项)待办;待讨论

2.bid n. 投标;努力,争取

3.compromise n. 折中;妥协

4.directory n. 名录;指南

5.discrimination n. 歧视

6.evolution n. 进化;演变

7.inhabitant n. 居民     

8.mankind n. 人类

9.monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆

10.primitive adj. (人类或动植物)原始的,原生的

11.status n. 法律地位

12.fund n. 基金;专款 Ⅱ.重点单词(写其形)

1.enlarge v.(使)增大;(使)扩大

2.guidance n. 指导,引导,咨询

3.honour v. 给予荣誉

4.list v. (按某次序)把......列表,列清单

5.maintain n. 保持;维持;保养

6.request n. 请求;要求

7.undertake v. 许诺做某事;同意做某事

8.subjective adj. 主观的

9.thorough adj. 彻底的;全面的;详尽的

10.sharpen v. 使变锋利

11.relation n. 亲属;亲戚

12.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的

13.advocate v. 主张,拥护 Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)

1.preserve v.保护;保存→preservation n.保护;保存

2.agreement n.协议→agree v.同意,答应→disagree v.不赞同→disagreement n.争论;不一致;不同意

3.invest v.投资→investment n.投资→investor n.投资者

4.remains n.遗迹/体→remain v.仍然;有待→remaining adj.剩余的

5.existence n.存在→exist v.存在→existing adj.现存的;存在的

6.exposure n.暴露;显露→expose v.使暴露→exposed adj.暴露的

7.contribute v.促成;捐助;贡献→contribution n.捐助;贡献→contributor n.撰稿者;捐助者

8.awareness n.意识;认识;感悟能力→aware adj.意识到的;知道的

9.propose v.建议;提议→proposal n.建议;提议

10.absence n.缺乏;没有;缺席→absent adj.不在的,缺席的;缺乏的

11.ignore v.忽视;不理/管→ignorance n.无知;愚昧→ignorant adj.愚昧/无知的

12.assistance n.帮助,援助→assist v.帮助→assistant n.助手;助理

13.mercy n.任凭......的摆布→merciful adj.仁慈的;宽容的→merciless adj.残忍的;没有慈悲之心的 [语境活用]

1.Tom is an assistant teacher in the college.He often assists the students with their problems and gives assistance to any student in need.(assist)

2.Thanks to the investment of the foreign capital company, the local economy has developed rapidly.As a result, more and more investors come to invest here.(invest)

3.The paintings are in an excellent state of preservation.That is to say, they are well preserved.(preserve)

4.Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?Perhaps they only exist in the minds of some people.(exist)

5.The human remains in the tomb remained to be studied.The remaining objects had been dug up.(remain)

6.He proposed we (should) hold a party to welcome the new year and his proposal went through.(propose)