《302edu发布》江苏省句容高级中学、溧水高级中学、 大港中学、镇江第一中学、省扬中高级中学2018-2019学年高二12月五校联考试题 英语 PDF版含答案
《302edu发布》江苏省句容高级中学、溧水高级中学、 大港中学、镇江第一中学、省扬中高级中学2018-2019学年高二12月五校联考试题 英语 PDF版含答案第1页



1-5 CAACB 6-10. BCABB 11-15. ACABC 16-20. BCACB


21-25 BCBAD 26-30 BDACC 31-35 DCABA


36-40 DCBAC 41-45 DABCD 46-50 DCCAC 51-55 AABAD


(A)56-57 DB (B)58-61 ABCD (C)62-64 CDD (D)65-70 BCBAAD


71. relationship 72. influencing 73. unaware 74. understand/ know

75. asking /questioning 76. dressing 77. hobby/ interest 78. related/ linked

79. Focusing/ Concentrating 80. little


81. handy 82. varieties 83. junior 84. initial 85. polished 86. minimum 87. reception 88. accompanied 89. guarantee 90. procedure(s)


One possible version

Dear Editor,

  Recently, our class has had a heated discussion on "What is happiness to you". Opinions are divided on this issue.

  To some students, happiness means there is no endless homework or examinations at school. To others, happiness means being admitted to a famous university. There are also some students who hold the view that landing a good job after graduation is the happiest thing in the world. Still, some students argue that happiness lies in a big house, a fancy car and a large sum of money.

  As far as I am concerned, happiness is not necessarily connected with wealth. It is a subjective feeling. Not only does good physical health bring me happiness but also being surrounded by family and friends keeps me in good spirits. I will also feel happy if I can achieve success in whatever I set out to do, such as meeting a goal. In a word, as long as we appreciate what we have and stay positive and optimistic, happiness is always around us.

Yours truly,

Li Hua