2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero reading课时作业3
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero reading课时作业3第1页

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero reading课时作业



  One of the main creators of the World Wide Web,Sir Tim Berners­Lee has warned that the fast growth of the Internet is also creating serious problems.

  He especially warns of false information being easily spread around the Internet,"A great danger is that it becomes a place where untruths start to spread more than truths,or it becomes a place which becomes increasingly unfair in some way."In particular he mentions the phenomena of blogging.Blogging enables friends and contacts to easily spread information.However he argues that people may too easily trust information mentioned in a blog.This inaccurate information can then easily become an accepted truth on the Internet.

  He suggests that the most important development of the Internet will be in creating ways of allowing people to check the correctness of information by providing original sources.Sir Tim admits that this is an important challenge.It's interesting to note that Wikipedia(维基百科)has had to take steps to prevent false information from being added to the biographies of living people.It's easy for anybody to edit the open source.However,some people have pointed out that it has been used to spread false materials.In seeking to raise standards,Wikipedia has sought to stop the false materials.

  At the same time there is a growing view that the Internet has had a great effect on the way millions of people work.The last two years have seen a big growth in the use of the Internet.There appears no slowdown in the growth of the Internet with increasing access in the developing countries.Sir Tim says another major challenge will be to provide free Internet for everybody.Sir Tim has recently launched a new joint initiative (倡议)between the University of Southampton and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create the first degree in Web science.The two schools hope to raise the standards of web content.

  1.What is the especially serious problem that Sir Tim refers to?

  A.The growth of the Internet is too fast.

  B.The Internet has a side effect on young children.

  C.The Internet companies compete against each other in an unfair way.

  D.The false information spreads rapidly on the Internet.

  2.What causes the biographies to have false information?

  A.The Internet users refuses other users to correct them.

  B.Wikipedia doesn't take any steps.

  C.Anybody can easily edit the biographies.

D.Wikipedia attempts to publish false materials.