2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 1 A land of diversity Grammar课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 1 A land of diversity Grammar课时作业 (7)第1页

Unit 1 A land of diversity Grammar课时作业


  1.He told the lawyer to tear (撕毁) up the old contract and to prepare a new one.

  2.Her mother scolded (责备) her for not cleaning up her room this morning.

  3.She quarrelled (吵架) with her brother last night about who should go first.

  4.The writer's name has been mentioned (提到) several times in this article. 

  5.I should thank you for the privilege (特殊荣幸) of speaking here and for ensuring me such an attentive audience.

  6.It was considerate (consider) of you not to watch TV while I was asleep.

  7.He asked for forgiveness (forgive) for what he had done wrong.

  8.It is widely recognized that drug­abuse will cause a huge loss (lose) of both life and death.

  9.Not many people agree with the government's prediction (predict) that the economy will improve.

  10.She is the biggest liar (lie) I have ever known.


make up, keep in touch, in return, on the phone, belong to, be allergic to, be ashamed of, all at once

  1.China is a developing country belonging_to the third world.

  2.We accepted his presents and gave him something in_return.

  3.All_at_once she decided she wasn't going, and she didn't explain why.

  4.I have to_make_up the test I missed last week.

  5.We haven't seen each other for a long time, but we have kept_in_touch.

  6.Before you take the medicine, you should test yourself to see whether you_are_allergic_to it.

  7.You should be_ashamed_of what you did yesterday at the party.

  8.He has been on_the_phone to John for an hour.


  1. 没有先进技术,人类不可能登上月球。

  Without advanced technology, man wouldn't_have_landed on the moon.


  They were_attending_a_lecture_when someone burst in.


She can speak French, Germany and Japanese, not_to_mention English.