2019-2020学年人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes Using language课时作业 (3)
2019-2020学年人教版必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes Using language课时作业 (3)第1页

Unit 4 Earthquakes课时作业

Using language


  Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg lived a family with several children.In order to 1 these children, the father worked hard.Despite their seemingly 2 condition,two of the children had a 3 .They both wanted to pursue their talent for 4 , but their father would never be 5 able to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.

  After long 6 , the two boys finally came to an agreement.They would toss (投掷) a coin.The loser would work in the nearby 7 to support his brother while he attended the Academy.Then, when the winner completed his studies, he would support the other either with 8 of his artwork or by laboring in the mines.

  They tossed a coin as they had 9 .Albrecht Durer won the toss and 10 to Nuremberg.Albert went to work in the dangerous mines and financed his brother.Albrecht's 11 were far better than those of most of his professors, and by the time he 12 , he was beginning to earn lots of money for his works.

  When the young artist returned to his village, he thanked his beloved 13 for the years of sacrifice that had made it 14 to achieve his ambition, and said, "Now, it is your 15 to pursue your dream, and I will support you."

   16 , Albert refused Albrecht and said softly."It is too 17 for me.The bones in every finger have been broken.I cannot even hold a glass, 18 hold a pen or a brush".

  One day, to show gratitude (感激) to Albert, Albrecht 19 his brother's abused hands as a gift and called his powerful drawing simply "Hands", but the entire world renamed his 20 of love "The Praying Hands".

【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。作者向我们讲述了一件发人深思的故事。由于家境贫寒,一对有梦想的兄弟用掷硬币的方法确定谁去高等院校学习美术。结果Albrecht胜了,Albert只好去矿上做工,挣钱供对方上学。后来,Albrecht功成名就成为一名画家。按照协议,轮到他资助Albert上学了。可一切都迟了。Alber