2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Language points课时作业 (4)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Language points课时作业 (4)第1页

Unit 2 The United Kingdom Language points课时作业

I 单词拼写

1. A s_____ of an illness is a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy.

2. Everyone was asked to attend the c________ held by the local government.

3. The young man was brave enough to save the old woman. He was given a medal in honor of his b________.

4. I want to a______ for the job, but I have some doubt whether I am fit or not.

5. After we gave first aid to the injured man, we got an ______(救护车) and rushed him to hospital.

6. He was so worried that sweat began to ____(淌) down his face.

7. The bandage must be ______ (紧的) enough to stop the bleeding.

8. He remained ________(坚定) in the face of the enemy.

9. Men and women should be ______ (对待) equally according to the law, but in fact there is great room for improvement.

10. Water is forced through the pipes at high ________ (压力).

11. If you know first a____ methods, you can be calmer and more helpful in case of emergency.

12. The rescue team put up a t__________ hospital on the playground of our high school to help the injured.

13. I have a________ to several key universities in Beijing, but none of them has given me any answer.

14. Problems with childcare is the biggest b________ to women succeeding at work now.

15. I don't think that the chair is f______ enough to hold you. You're too fat.

16. If you promise to help me with my maths every weekend, I will t_____ you to a big dinner.

17. When Susan fell off her bike, her only _________ (损伤) was a twisted ankle.

18. This is a ________ (复杂的) and difficult task, and it may take us lots of time and energy to complete it.

19. I could not open the jar however hard I tried; its lid was too ______ (紧的)

20. Keep putting pressure on the wound until the _______ (流血) stops.


make a difference, apply for, a knowledge of, There is no doubt that..., apply...to, cut off, treat ...as, put one's hands on, a number of, pour down