辽宁省凌源市第三中学2019-2020学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试卷 Word版含答案
辽宁省凌源市第三中学2019-2020学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试卷 Word版含答案第1页


  第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分 )



  Although environmental problems have existed for centuries, some people still care little about our environment. Problems like ice melting, electronic waste are lighting up news programs and becoming part of an ongoing dialogue about the environment.

  As a teenager, what do you think all the problems mean for your future and for the future of the planet? For our October 2016 writing contest, we want you to really consider what you think about environmental problems.

  Use these questions to help focus your essay (文章)

  ■What environmental problem do you think should cause the greatest alarm and action?

  ■Do you think that you have a personal responsibility to help solve environmental problems or do you feel helpless against the struggle?

  ■What do you think could help a specific environmental problem?

  Don't try to answer all these questions. Use one of them to make a personal essay.

  The title of the essay

  When you hand in your essay, title it as: Environmental Problems:________. Include the phrase "Environmental Problems" as the beginning of your essay title, but then make the rest of your story title unique. Examples:

  ■Environmental Problems: Trashy Behavior and the Plastic Bottle

  ■Environmental Problems: We Can't Exist If We Refuse to Change


  (1)This is a non­fiction essay contest.

  (2)Essays are 500 words or less.

  (3)Essays must be your original work.

  The deadline:

  Midnight Oct.30, 2016
