

英 语 学 科 试 题

时间:120分钟 分值:120分

第一卷 (75分)

I. 听力测试

A) 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(5分)

1. A. She never drinks water. B. She drinks tea every day.

 C. She drinks milk every day.

2. A. John is quieter than Tony. B. Tony is quieter than John.

C. John and Tony are both quiet.

3. A. We like playing in the water. B. We had a good time playing in the water.

C. We don't like playing in the water.

4. A. They'll work in the factory. B. They'll take vacations on the farm.

C. They'll take vacations on the moon.

5. A. He wants to be a reporter when he grows up.

 B. He is going to study science when he grows up.

 C. He is going to take acting lessons when he grows up.

B) 听录音,请根据听到的对话内容,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与听到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。(5分)

6. A. B. C.

7.A. B. C.


、 A. B. C.
