2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 5 First aid language points课时作业(4)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 5 First aid language points课时作业(4)第1页

Unit 5 First aid language points课时作业

一、阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共12小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分30分)

  When I first heard about geocaching (地理寻宝), I was skeptical. But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like an interesting idea. I at least wanted to try it once.

  Having familiarized myself with how the game works, I set out in search of my first cache. My trip took me through a series of lively hutong (胡同), past a number of small temples, and right into the courtyard of a quiet youth hotel. I spent several minutes looking around, but couldn't find anything. Just before I was about to give up, I spotted a colorful object in the crack of a wall. Could it be the hidden cache?

  At that moment a group of backpackers arrived. According to the game's rules, people who are not in the game must not be allowed to find out about secret caches. So I pretended to make a phone call while waiting for them to leave. When the coast was clear, I grabbed the object. It was the cache! I opened it and pulled out a crumpled (皱的) sheet of paper with several names and celebratory messages written on it. I added my own and replaced the cache in its hiding place, ready for the next geocacher to find.

  It may seem like a simple game, but the idea that there are caches hidden all around us is exciting. Once you're hooked, it's easy to set yourself the goal of finding every single cache in a neighborhood or even an entire city. The real treasure, however, is not the cache itself, but the places it takes you to.

  Hunting for further caches has since introduced me to places which I didn't even know. Some are peaceful parks, while others are forgotten historical sites. A few caches have even been in places I passed regularly without giving them any thought. Now, I feel a much closer connection.

1What was the author's initial attitude to geocaching?

A. He thought it interesting.

B. He wanted to try it at once.

C. He showed little interest in it.

D. He found it unsuitable for him.


解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第一句可知, C项正确。skeptical表示"不相信的, 持怀疑态度的"。

2Where did the author find the cache?

A. In a hutong.       B. In a temple.

C. In a well. D. In a hotel.