2019-2020学年人教版选修六unit 2 poems Language points课时作业 (7)
2019-2020学年人教版选修六unit 2 poems Language points课时作业 (7)第1页

  Unit 2 poems Language points课时作业


  1.-What did the doctor say?

  -He told(tell) Jim to lie(lie) in bed for two days.

  2.David threatened to report(report) his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.

  3.Mr Brown said he would see(see) me the next week.

  4.He was accused of stealing(steal) the money.

  5.He told us that he went(go) to college in 1994.

  6.Shakespeare's play Hamlet has been made(make) into at least ten different films over the past years.

  7.The question is difficult to answer(answer).

  8.He objected to being treated(treat) as a child.

  9.Being protected(protect) by a wall, he felt quite safe.

  10.The library needs cleaning/to be cleaned(clean), but it'll have to wait until Sunday.


  1.It is very considerate of you to remember my birthday.


  2.What I want to do is (to) have a good rest.


  3.Why do you think he was late again?


  4.I think you must have seen the TV series You Who Came from the Star.


  5.At no time should you give up studying.


