2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 1 A land of diversity Learning about language课时作业 (4)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 1 A land of diversity Learning about language课时作业 (4)第1页

Unit 1 A land of diversity课时作业

Learning about language




  A school where 60% of pupils speak English as a second language has equipped electronic translators for every child so they can communicate with teachers. Manor Park Primary in Birmingham, which has 384 pupils, is the first school in Britain to provide translators for all of its children and to make the tools a part of every lesson.

  The technology can allow teachers to type messages to pupils which are then translated into the 19 native tongues of children, with no English. Another 11 languages are spoken by pupils who have some English. In Britain, with figures showing that one in six primary pupils speaks a different language at home - double the number ten years ago - the technology could soon become popular in many more schools.

  Talking Tutor can translate English into many languages including Polish, Urdu and Chinese. The teacher types a message into a computer and it then reads the message out to the pupils in their native tongues. The pupils type the answer which is read to the teacher by Talking Tutor. Headmaster Jason Smith said the software had transformed his school and given staff the opportunity to communicate with children. The school pays £700 a year for the software. The software, developed by EMAS UK, cost more than £2.5 million to produce.

  Dawn Holt, a teacher at the school, admitted she had struggled in the past to communicate with pupils who had recently arrived in Britain. But some say giving pupils the translators could be "damaging and dangerous"."Surely it would be better to give all these teenagers an intensive course in English," said Nick Seaton, a father."My boy says teachers are spending more time using the computer than teaching. He came home last week and said he felt pushed aside."


  1.What is the name of the electronic translator?              

  A.Talking Tutor. B.EMAS UK.

  C.Nick Seaton D.Dawn Holt.

  解析:选A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句可知,该软件的名称为Talking Tutor。

  2.Manor Park Primary decided to use electronic translators in order to ________.

A.help the pupils to learn English well in a short time