2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 4 Body language Language points课时作业 (8)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 4 Body language Language points课时作业 (8)第1页

Unit 4 Body language Language points课时作业




  1.Mr.Smith was pleased (欣喜的) that his father was being taken care of in the Home of the Aged.

  2.Frank made a good impression (印象), so the manager gave him the job.

  3.If you add too much liquid, the mixture (混合物) will not be thick enough.

  4.The rumours of an attack were confirmed (证实) later.

  5.Lin Tao, who is one of my old schoolmates (校友), has been promoted to captain.

  6.Hard work accounted for his success and wealth (富有).

  7.The plane will be landing in approximately (大约) 20 minutes.

  8.Most girls are terrified (害怕) at snakes and mice, both of which look very ugly.

  9.It was a misty (有雾的) morning, but it soon became clear when the sun began to shine.

  10.The traditional (传统的) breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.


  1.Books on Scottish history were mixed up with books on volcanoes.

  2.The latest evidence confirmed that his conclusion was right.

  3.The suit cost approximately (approximate) three hundred dollars.

  4.I am pleased to_be_invited (invite) to give a lecture on astronomy.

  5.When the lost boy saw the smoke rising in the distance, he became excited immediately.

  6.They were terrified by/at his sudden appearance.

  7.The accident happened on a cold frosty (frost) morning.

  8.Linda said she would meet Tom and that she wouldn't tell anyone about the appointment.


  1.It_has_been_confirmed_that we will have a meeting next Monday.


  2.Your dress looks all right at_a_distance.


  3.I always mix_him_up_with_his_brother.They are twins.


  4.It was their first meeting, and Richard was determined to make/leave_a_good_impression_

