湖北省武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)2018-2019学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
湖北省武汉外国语学校(武汉实验外国语学校)2018-2019学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第1页



考试时间:2018年11月16日      命题人:刘维、宋丽        满分:140分

Part I Listening (total 20 marks; 1 mark for each question)

Section A (5 marks)

Listen to the five dialogues, and choose the correct answer to each question. Each dialogue will be played only once.

1. What will the woman do?

A. Miss the next game.

B. Watch the next game.

C. Refuse the next invitation.

2. Why doesn't the man want any breakfast?

A. He has already had it.

B. He doesn't want to get up.

C. He is not hungry.

3. What will the woman do later?

A. Take her sons to the hospital.

B. Take her son to school.

C. Buy medicine at the doctor's.

4. What time will the two speakers meet?

A. At 6:30 p. m.

 B. At 8:00 p. m.

 C. At 9:30 p. m.

5. What do we know about the professor?

A. He changed his reading task.

B. He forgot to bring the materials.

C. He brought 38 copies in all.

Section B (10 marks)

Listen to the four dialogues and choose the correct answer to each question. Each dialogue will be played twice.

Listen to the dialogue 6 and answer question 6 and 7.

6. What is a special feature of New Orleans?

A. Its shops and restaurants.

B. Its narrow streets.

C. Its French Quarter.