2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 5 Theme parks Learning about language课时作业(5)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 5 Theme parks Learning about language课时作业(5)第1页

Unit 5 Theme parks Learning about language课时作业

第一节 单项选择

1. What was so ______ about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

A. awful B. essential C. impressive D. obvious



【解析】本题主要考察的是形容词词义辨析。A糟糕的,可怕的,极坏的;B必要的;基本的;D留有深刻印象的;D明显的,显然的;句意:关于Jasmine Westland的胜利给人印象最深刻的是他赤脚得到了马拉松比赛的第一名。根据句意Jasmine Westland赤脚获得第一名,这是最让人难忘的事情。故C项符合上下文串联。

【举一反三】Mistakes don't just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes .

A. favourable B. precious C. essential D. worthwhile


〖考点〗形容词词义辨析, 同时也涉及到构词法

〖解析〗 "worthwile"表示 "值得的, 有价值的"表示犯错误是值得的。A表示 "喜爱的, 赞同的", B "珍贵的"C "本质的", 只要知道词义, 并联系生活常识, 该题还是很容易得出答案的。

2. Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase, she gave him a ______ smile and let him go.

A. cautious B. grateful C. tolerant D. wild



【解析】本题主要考察形容词词义辨析。A谨慎的,小心的;B感激的:C宽容的;容忍的,忍受的;D野生的,野蛮的;句意:她并没有责备打破花瓶的那个孩子,相反她对他宽容地笑了一下,并让他离开了。根据Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase她并没有责备他,说明她很宽容。故C项正确。

【举一反三】I'm not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a