《302edu发布》浙江省浙东北联盟(ZDB)2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》浙江省浙东北联盟(ZDB)2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案第1页



总分150分 考试时间120分




1. What does the woman dislike about the coat?

A. The color. B. The price. C. The style.

2. What are they doing now?

A. Having lunch. B. Reading books. C. Having a class.

3. When will the plane take off?

A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9: 00.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a shop. C. In a park.

5. What are they talking about?

A. Leaving a job. B. Taking a job. C. Finding a job.



6. What does the man dislike about his job?

A. The office. B. The workmates. C. The working time.

7. Where does the woman want to work?

A. In a hospital. B. In a hotel. C. In a travel agency.


8. Who is the man most probably?

A. A driver. B. A guide. C. A teacher.

9. Where does the woman want to go?

A. To the History Museum. B. To the shopping mall. C. To the Central Park.