2017--2018学年人教版选修八unit 1 a land of diversity language points课时作业 (6)
2017--2018学年人教版选修八unit 1 a land of diversity language points课时作业 (6)第1页

unit 1 a land of diversity language points课时作业

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1.Judging from the long q    in front of the cinema's ticket office,this movie is a great draw.

2."Under the weather" is an i     meaning "ill".

3.He has dreamed of being a general defending his         (祖国) since he was a child.

4.I was giving a(n)       (讲课) to the first-year students when you called.

5.The boy's hands were       (麻木的) after an hour outside on such a cold day.

6.He sat in the         (自助餐厅) for a long time,reading a magazine.

7.At the end of the day,the         (店主)counted his money.

8.I was still in New York,trying to get a(n)      (签证) for Russia.

9. Jack has obtained a medical ________(资格).

10. He has enough money so that he can live in ________(舒适).


Ⅱ. 选词填空

keep it up fit in feel at home substitute for adjust to

get lost make preparations for be occupied in get used to

take up

1. The couple did not give themselves time to ________ marriage before their baby arrived.

2. We had only a week to ________ the wedding.

3. His ideas didn't quite ________ with our aims.

4. I'm sure that you will ________ country life.

5. If only he could________, he would break the world record.

6. She ________ on the stage this time,though she seldom appeared.

7. We ________ preparing for the midterm exams, so we don't have time to go out for an outing.

8. Nothing can ________ the advice your doctor is able to give you.

9. I won't ________________ any more of your time. Don't worry.

10. The driver ________________ on a rainy night, without navigation system.