2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 4 Body language grammar课时作业1
2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 4 Body language grammar课时作业1第1页

Unit 4 Body language Grammar课时作业


  1.He got the news from Mary that the meeting had been called off.

  2.I have no idea why Tom got so much money overnight.

  3.My best friend asked me the question whether that novel was worth reading.

  4.I have no idea where the journalist could have got his information from.

  5.A warm thought suddenly came to me that I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother's birthday.

  6.The fact that our city can become better in every field is clear.

  7.Do you still remember your promise that you will buy me a bike on my birthday?

  8.The professor showed evidence that his paper was based on original research.

  9.The manager didn't answer the question who would take his place.

  10.The fact has worried many scientists that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.


  It might be easy to imagine that the more crowded a bird flock (群) becomes, the slower the birds fly. But it has been proven that the bigger a bird flock becomes, the faster the birds will fly. The discovery was made by scientists from Sweden's Lund University. They took a look at the flying speed of birds in an effort to find what influenced how fast they would fly.

  Most of the findings didn't surprise the researchers. A bird's weight and its wing shape, wind speed and direction, and the purpose of the flight all indeed influenced its flying speed. But the scientists found that the size of the flock had a strong effect on the flying speed, which had not been expected. The scientist Anders Hedenström expressed surprise at the discovery as it has usually been ignored in studies on birds.

  Anders Hedenström and his partner Susanne Akesson collected their data on Sweden's Öland Island. There they studied birds' physical characteristics (特征), counted flock populations, and recorded their speeds during flying. To know the birds' speed while flying, they used a tool that can also gauge important characteristics of wind, including speed and direction. They were able to measure the speed of different kinds of large flocks. The researchers' results showed that bigger flocks fly faster no matter what kind of bird species they belong to. Why that's the case is the next question they hope to answer.

  The researchers also said that large flocks are made up of larger­sized birds, which move at faster speeds than smaller birds. In a large flock, it is easier to take advantage of the turbulence (湍流) that occurs behind other birds, especially when flying in formation (队形), like geese and other birds do. Using the turbulence makes it easier to maintain higher speed.

  【文章大意】 原本人们认为鸟群的数目越大,就会飞的越慢,而最新的研究却得出了完全相反的结果。这是为什么呢?

  1.What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us?

  A.The bigger the bird flock is, the faster the birds fly.

  B.The bigger the bird flock is, the slower the birds fly.

  C.What affects birds' flying speed didn't interest people.

  D.There was no further progress in studying birds' flying speed.

  解析:A 段落大意题。根据第一段的内容可知,最新的研究表明:并非鸟群的数目越大,飞行速度越慢,而是恰好相反。

2.What does the underlined word "gauge" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?