2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar课时作业 (6)
2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar课时作业 (6)第1页

  Unit 2 The Olympic Games Grammar课时作业



  I have a very dear friend named Donna who has a passion for opera. She loves to sing her favorite operas, listen to operas, read about operas, talk about operas (when she can find someone who'll listen), but much to her disappointment, she only goes to the opera occasionally (偶尔).

  Why doesn't she go to the opera more often? Well, unfortunately, Donna's husband and all of her friends dislike opera as much as she loves it, and getting any of them to go to the opera with her is not an easy task.

  Donna's experience is a good example of why you should have friends for every occasion. If you've created your own explanation of friendship, I'm sure you'll agree that finding one person that completely fits the_bill is difficult.

  Joining a club or taking a class is another great way to meet people that share your interests. However, don't sit back and wait for someone to approach you. Take the initiative and set activity dates. You can limit the friendship to that activity only, or let it expand into other areas of your life. It's up to you.

  It has been said that variety is the spice (调料) of life. So, spice up your life by enjoying a variety of activities with a variety of people. Seeking out friends for every occasion will help you do just that.


  1.Donna doesn't go to the opera often because ________.

  A.she is busy with work

  B.she doesn't like opera

  C.she doesn't get along well with others

  D.she can't find anyone to go with her

  解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知答案。

  2.The underlined phrase "the bill" in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.

  A.interest in the opera

B.your shared experience with a friend