2018--2019学年人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业(4)
2018--2019学年人教版选修六Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业(4)第1页

Unit 3 A healthy life language points课时作业

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


A clone is an exact copy of a plant or an animal produced from any cell. __1__Scottish scientists reported that they had__2__to clone a sheep named Dolly in 1996,research into cloning has grown rapidly. In May 1998,scientists in Massachusetts managed to create two identical calves (牛犊)__3__cloning technology. A mouse has__4__been cloned successfully,but the debate over cloning humans really started when Chicago__5__Richard Seed made a surprising announcement. "We will have managed to clone a human being within the next two years," he told the world.

Seed's announcement__6__a lot of media's attention. In Europe,nineteen nations have already __7__ an agreement banning human cloning and in the US the President __8__:"We will be __9__ a law to ban human cloning and many states in the US will have __10__ anti­cloning laws by the end of the year. "

Many researchers are not so negative__11__cloning. They are worried that laws __12__human cloning will threaten important research. In March ,the New England Journal of Medicine called any plan to ban research on cloning humans__13__mistaken. Many researchers also believe that__14__attempts to ban it,human cloning will have become routine by 2010 because it is __15__to stop the progress of science.

Is there a reason to fear that cloning will__16__a nightmarish world? The public has been bombarded (轰炸) with newspaper articles,television shows and films,__17__cartoons. Such information is often misleading,and makes people__18__what on earth the scientists will be doing next.

__19__the next five to ten years scientists will probably have found a way of cloning humans. It could be __20__soon that we will be able to choose the person that we want our child to look like.

【语篇解读】 一群科学家计划克隆人,但研究者持不同态度。