2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games reading课时作业 (7)
2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games reading课时作业 (7)第1页

  Unit 2 The Olympic Games reading课时作业


  I was really nervous this year because I was in a new class. It 1 me that I didn't know anyone in the class. But 2 I didn't know anyone,I had the 3 to do something I love-people watching.

  The girl sitting behind me was always laughing and talking happily. She was one of the very few people who made every 4 to acknowledge me.

  At the end of the year,we were 5 to do a big open­ended project where the 6 were basically to read something,then watch something related to it,and then 7 a presentation based on what we learned.

  On the presentation day,that girl 8 in front of the class,and told everyone how she had read about eating disorders,because she herself had 9 with one. As it was too difficult for her to talk about it 10,she had made a movie,where she had 11 some people about their eating disorders and how they had felt and 12 them eventually. After the presentation,almost 13 was in tears. Several people commented on how 14 she was to stand up and talk about it,and how strong she was to have got over the disorder.

  I never 15 she would have a problem like that because she always seemed 16. Her courage to talk about something so 17 in public and her strength to get through her difficulties have 18 me. I've also learned how difficult it is to 19 people. You never know what type of person someone is just by 20 for a term.

语篇解读 作者最初到新班级时非常紧张,坐在她后面的那个女孩总是很开心地谈笑风生。但在一次完成班级作业时,那个女孩分享了自己饮食失调的问题,并拍摄了一个采访有类似疾病人群的影片,令全班人感动不已。作者由此感悟到不能只凭观察来评判某个人。

1.A.pleased B.confused

C.interested D.scared

答案 D

解析 pleased高兴的;confused困惑的;interested感兴趣的;scared害怕的。根据开头的"I was really nervous this year..."以及空后的"that I didn't know anyone in the class"可知,作者到新学校,谁也不认识所以感到很害怕。故选D。

2.A.since B.if

C.before D.unless