2017--2018学年人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel journal Reading课时作业
2017--2018学年人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel journal Reading课时作业第1页

Unit 3 Travel journal reading课时作业



  (2017·湖北武汉调研)Today we were heading out to what is arguably one of the most beautiful natural wonders of this region, Saklikent Gorge (峡谷),a 300­meter­deep canyon that is close to Fethiye. However, first,we had to enter the canyon. Before us was a raging river about 20 meters across, and we would have to wade (跋涉) through to get to the entrance of the gorge. I lost my breath when my foot made contact with the water. My whole foot had turned numb. I shot out of the water, fast as a rabbit, screaming like a wild dog. I'm sure it was a sight to see. Dad and Lalika seemed to bear it better, as they were the first to begin heading through the fast flowing waters.

  Soon it was up to their knees, but battling their way through they were the first of our family to make it across. During this time I was considering if I really wanted to go through with this. The look on Mom's face showed me that there was no alternative. She took my hand and we began making our way through the ice­cold water to the sound of Lalika's cheers. I nearly slipped at one point but thankfully I recovered in time and Mom and I came out of the water half dry and very happy.

  Then the canyon was in front of us.I began to wade through the softest flowing grey clay that had deposited itself over thousands of years between this magnificent Moorish pink gorge towering over me. I was surprised that the locals hadn't already made a beauty industry out of this, mining this natural resource, when I remembered that thankfully, it was a protected national possession,located in a national park.

  That didn't stop Dad and Lalika from making a mud pack, as the two of them smoothed the liquid clay all over their faces, arms and legs. The mud also made great war paint and Lalika and I had a really fun time applying it before role playing a fierce battle of the clans (家族). After about 45 minutes of walking, we came to a fork in the canyon, and we decided to return.

  1.What did the author think of the river?

  A.Cold.            B.Deep.

  C.Wide. D.Dirty.

  2.What made the author decide to cross the river?

  A.Dad and Lalika's example.

  B.Mom's facial expression.

  C.Strong determination.

  D.Family promises.

  3.Why could Saklikent Gorge be preserved?

A.It was hard to enter.