2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 5 Traveling abroad language points课时作业(5)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 5 Traveling abroad language points课时作业(5)第1页

Unit 5 Traveling abroad language points课时作业

第一节 基础知识



1.Now Mr. White is back and intends to write a book about his_______ (冒险经历).

2.How do you_______ (看待)the present situation of the current world?

3.There being much dust on the table, the house must have been_______ (舍弃)for a long time.

4.She _______ (控告)that he had stolen her car.

5.The boy _______ (徘徊)the neighbourhood, looking for his dog.

6.Whenever Mrs. Brown goes out with her baby, she always takes a large_______ (供给)of baby food with her.

7.One can always manage to do more things, no matter how full one's_______ (计划)is in life.

8.She_______ (宣布)the winner of the competition to the excited audience.

9.Jerry_______ (徘徊)around the park in the hope of meeting his sister, but she didn't turn up.

10.Mother_______ (安排)an appointment for me with the dentist.

11.Sophia armed herself for the interview with all the information she could find about the company_______ (提前).

2.It only took Catherine three days before she found herself to be_______ (与......和谐相处) her new co-workers.

13.The Himalayas_______ (高耸)the land in the west of China.

14.We must fight_______ (为了保护)our country.

15.Willy is painfully aware of this, and_______ (困惑) what to do with his lack of exercise.

答案1.adventures 2.view 3.deserted 4. charged 5.wandered

6.supply 7.schedule 8.announced 9.wandered

10.arranged 11.in advance 12.in harmony with