四上PEP英语《Unit3 My friends》练习检测复习试卷免费下载20
四上PEP英语《Unit3 My friends》练习检测复习试卷免费下载20第1页


Name _______ Score______




( )1. A. school B. bedroom C. bathroom

( )2. A. blue B. yellow C. music

( )3.A. thin B. strong C. phone

( )4.A. chair B. kitchen C. desk

( )5.A.bed B. sofa C. living room

三、看图,打"√" 或打"╳"(12分)

( ) ( ) ( )

1.They are in the kitchen. 2. This is a phone. 3. He is thin.

( ) ( ) ( )

4.She is in the study . 5. This is my bedroom. 6. He has black glasses.

四、 单选(15分)

( )1、A: I have a look? B: Sure. Here you are.

A. May B. My C. Let

( )2、A:What is the notebook? B: It's yellow.

A. many B. may C. colour

( )3、A: How many English books do you ? B: I have 14.

A. has B. his C. have

( )4、My schoolbag is .

A. happy B. heavy C. her

( )5、I an apple. Amy a pear.