四上PEP英语《Unit6 Meet my family》练习检测试卷免费下载17
四上PEP英语《Unit6 Meet my family》练习检测试卷免费下载17第1页


Name____________ Score_______


( )1. A. fish B. fork C. fridge

( )2. A. rice B. soup C. beef

( )3. A. juice B. bread C. milk

( )4. A. use B. cut C. help

( )5. A. for B. five C. fork


( )1. What's in the classroom/bedroom?

( )2. How many books /pens do you have?

( )3. A. I like Chinese/English.

( )4. A.What's his/her name?

( )5. A.Would you like some noodles/rice,please?


( )Is it in your desk?

( )Is she in the living room?

( )I have a cat.It's cute.

( )No,she isn't.

( )Yes,it is.



1.b_thr_ _m(浴室) 2.fr__dge(冰箱) 3.b__dr__ __m(卧室)4.kit__hen(厨房) 5.ph__ne(电话) 6.st__dy (书房) 7.s_f_(沙发) 8.b_ _l(碗)

9.t_bl_(桌子) 10.ch_pst_ _ks(筷子)11.n__ __dles(面条)12.b__ __f(牛肉) 13.ch__ck__n(鸡肉) 14.s__ __p(汤) 15. v__ g__table(蔬菜)


( )1. A. study B. bed C. phone D. computer

( )2. A. cat B. dog C. duck D. bedroom

( )3. A. father B. mother C. sister D. phone

( )4. A. apple B. banana C. fridge D. peach

( )5. A. thin B. kitchen C. strong D. quiet

( )6. A. bowl B. fork C. spoon D bread

( )7. A. bed B. milk C. water D juice

( )8. A. bus B. bread C. hamburger D noodles

( )9. A. rice B. juice C. noodles D chicken

( )10. A. doctor B. vegetable C. teacher D student
