2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading课时作业 (6)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading课时作业 (6)第1页

Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading课时作业

Ⅰ. 阅读理解


(2019·石家庄模拟)The scar ran down her leg from the knee to the ankle. She brushed her fingertips over its surface,remembering.

Jerry was only seven when he started surfing; by the age of eleven,he was positively_incredible,moving over the face of big waves like there wasn't even a slightest bit of efforts involved in.

On that day in Bah,though,the ocean had seemed strange. The waves broke like water in a washing machine,and the breaks had been heavy too,making it tough to tell whether it was better to try to catch one or to get out of its way. That was how he'd misjudged.

Ella had seen her brother lose control,his board was thrown out of the water riderless high into the air,but she hadn't seen him surface. She'd waited for the space of a breath. Nothing. Something,clearly,was wrong.

She dashed into the water,swimming faster even than the competitions at school. Lung burning. Heart Piping-Focused.

She'd found him floating just beyond the reef(暗礁),face up but knocked out cold. Just as she was paddling the water hard,her leg was hurt by the reef,a short,sharp instant of pain.

No matter. She had kept Jerry's head above water,swimming all the way back to shore. That day had been the worst,scariest moment in Jerry's surfing career,which has seen him rise from a no-name kid who loved the ocean to a young star,winning competitions around the world.

For Ella,her life had changed as well. She had learned something about who she was,about what she could achieve. She ran her fingers again over the scar,the physical map of the person she had become.

【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了Ella在一次拯救Jerry的冲浪中受伤的事,从此事中Ella找到了自我价值。