2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North reading课时作业(7)
2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North reading课时作业(7)第1页

Unit 5 Canada-The True North reading课时作业

第一节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  As a student you can do well on a test if you have good knowledge of the information that is being tested. __1__ The DETER strategy can help you do your best on any test. Each letter in DETER reminds you what to do.


  Read the test directions very carefully. Ask your teacher to explain anything about the test directions you do not understand. __2__


  Examine the entire test to see how much you have to do. Only by knowing the entire task can you break it down into parts that become manageable for you.


  __3__ If there are different points for items plan to spend the most time on the items that count for the most points. Planning your time is especially important for essay tests.


  __4__ If you get stuck on a difficult item that comes up early in the test,you may not get to answer items that test things you know well.


  If you have planned your time correctly,you will have time to review your answers. __5__ Also make sure to review the test directions to be certain you have answered all items required.

  A.Once you have examined the entire test decide how much time you will spend on each item.

  B.But using a strategy when taking the test helps you to show what you know.

  C.Only by following the directions can you achieve a good score on the test.

  D.The second E in DETER reminds you to answer the easiest items first.

  E.Use the time to make them as complete and accurate as possible.

F.In my opinion you should follow the advice when taking a test.