2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业(4)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业(4)第1页

Unit 4 Making the news Learning about language课时作业

第一节 七选五


  Starting the day on the wrong foot can destroy the rest of it.By starting off with a positive attitude,you can face each task in a good frame of mind(心情).__1__

  ·Give yourself time to start the day.__2__Starting the day feeling rushed can lead to unnecessary stress throughout the rest of the day. So start the day by giving yourself a moment to breathe and collect yourself for what the day will hold.

  ·Be thankful.__3__For example,you can be thankful for anything in your life,such as your family or friends,your health,your job,your bed,your house,the sunshine or rain outside,and so on.In this way,you'll get into the right frame of mind for the rest of the day.

  ·Ignore technology. Many people set alarms on their cell phone,and as soon as they turn it off,they check texts,e-mails,and social media.__4__So,as soon as you turn off your alarm,you should lay down the cell phone and wait at least 30-60 minutes before checking anything.

  ·__5__Get organized for the tasks you have to complete today,and face the day as something new without thinking too much about the past.If you had a bad day the day before,leave that behind you and just concentrate on the new day instead.

  A.Make a to-do list and make an effort to follow it.

  B.Try some of the following tips to start your day off right.

  C.Technology can make you feel like you're starting your day busily.

  D.Don't concentrate on what you did or didn't do yesterday but start each day new.

  E.Before you get out of bed,take moments to concentrate on what you're thankful for.

  F.If you feel annoyed or tired,do something physical to make yourself feel happy.

  G.Instead of waking up and feeling rushed,wake up with enough time to feel relaxed.

  答案:1.B 2.G 3.E 4.C 5.D

第二节 完形填空


  Two boys were on the way home in the forest. They came upon a frozen river that blocked (阻塞) their way. They looked up and down the riverside,but saw no__1__of a bridge to help them cross over safely.Both boys__2__placed a foot on the surface of the ice and felt how slippery (滑) it was. Then one gave up but the first boy still__3__walking across.

"What are you doing?" the other boy asked."You'll__4__! ""Bang" he fell down."See? I told you so." The first boy got up and carefully took a few more__5__.He fell down again."What are you doing?" the other boy__6__.The first boy got up again,__7__very quietly. The process repeated itself,until__8__,the first boy,bruised (擦伤) and cold from the__9__ice,crossed the river successfully.