2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots language points课时作业(1)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots language points课时作业(1)第1页

Unit 2 Robots language points课时作业

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. -Can you tell us your ____ for happiness and a long life?

--Living everyday to the full, definitely.

A. recipe B. record C. range D. receipt

2. In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are _____.

A. special B. regional C. optional D. original

3. Kids shouldn't have access to violent films because they might _______ the things they see.

A. indicate B. investigate

  C. imitate D. innovate

4. Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _____.

  A.compliment B. component

C.competence D.competition

5. My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking, but at least he has_____.

A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off

6. Upon reaching an ____ age, more often than not, children are encouraged, but not forced "to leave the nest".

 A. appropriate B. adequate

 C. automatic D. accurate

7. Any offender shall be brought back and brought to justice ______he/ she may flee abroad.

A. in case B. even if C. now that D. if only

8. Located _____ the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to