2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion grammar课时作业 (1)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 4 Pygmalion grammar课时作业 (1)第1页

Unit 4 Pygmalion grammar课时作业


  1.Excited by the Prime Minister's words, he couldn't find words to convey (表达) his feelings at that time.

  2.I'll go to Guangzhou via (经过) Nanjing, where I'll drop in on a friend of mine.

  3.Because of the heavy fog, all the flights have been postponed (推迟) till further notice.

  4.He divided the field into different sections (部分), where different vegetables were grown.

  5."I can't bear it," the receptionist said in a choked (哽咽的) voice.

  6.He sold the cab, and now it is under new ownership (产权).

  7.Only the minister has the authority (权力) to sign on the papers.

  8.His father was one of the architects (建筑师) who designed the Nanpu Bridge.

  9.They've enlarged (扩大) the kitchen by building over part of the garden.

  10.They held a party to celebrate their wedding anniversary (周年纪念日).


  1.-We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.

  -Yes, ________? I'll give them a call right now.

  A.why not        B.what for

  C.why D.what

  解析:选A 句意:"我们可以邀请约翰和巴巴拉来参加周五晚上的聚会。""当然可以,为什么不呢?我现在就给他们打电话。"此处情景为征求对方意见,根据答语中Yes一词可知空格处应为why not,表示同意对方观点,故答案为A项。

  2.Without the games, he expects the bar's weekday sales to ________ by 7%.

  A.drop off B.put back

  C.drop out D.cut out

  解析:选A 句意:如果没有这些娱乐活动,他估计酒吧的周售量会下降7%。drop off "下降",符合句意。put back"将......放回原处,拖延";drop out "退出";cut out"删除,剪下"。

  3.Mr. Collins ________ to look after the children so that his wife could go to the club with two of her friends.

A.attempted B.hated