2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Grammar课时作业 (1)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom Grammar课时作业 (1)第1页

Unit 2 The United Kingdom Grammar课时作业



A drunken burglar in the Orrell Park area of Liverpool,ended up leaping out of a window after a 10-year-old asked him to prove he was a superhero.

The drunken thief who pretended he was Superman to stop a child raising the alarm has been caught after he leapt from the apartment building in his pants to make the girl convinced.

Thief Ethan Adamson,25,told police that he had broken into a fifth-floor-flat after a drinking session,believing it was empty.

But he was horrified when the owner's 10-year-old daughter woke up while he was there.

From his hospital bed,the thief told reporters,"To keep her quiet,I told her I was really Superman and I'd soon be flying off back to my secret headquarters."

"She called my bluff(吓唬)and told me,'If you're Superman show me you can fly or I'll scream.'"

"I had no choice so I stripped down to my pants to look more like a superhero and went to the window."

"I saw another roof below and I thought I_could_make_it but it turned out to be a lot further down than I thought."

"I know it doesn't make sense but it did to me when I was drunk."

Police later found him on the roof in just his yellow pants,covered in cuts and bruises after a baffled neighbour heard his cries of pain.

He now faces seven years behind bars for burglary.

Police spokesman Frank Amado said,"He was in quite a serious state and couldn't move until we got up there using ladders.He was treated for his injuries and we got him some fresh clothes,before taking him to hospital where he is being kept under guard until he is well enough to be arrested."

【语篇解读】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了一起啼笑皆非的偷窃事件。