2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future reading课时作业 (9)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future reading课时作业 (9)第1页

Unit 3 Life in the future reading课时作业



课标话题 人与自我·社区生活 体裁 记叙文 词  数 347 难度   Georgina, known as Georgie, will turn 16 later this week and organized the party with two friends. Her mother said they had originally looked at the option of booking a nightclub, but decided the £1,000 fee was too steep. She said, "It seemed that realistically the only place Georgina could have her party was at home."

  Georgie Hobday's parents had grown-ups to be in charge, a proper guest list, and a ban on alcohol. So they thought they had her 16th birthday party under control. Unfortunately, it was advertised on Facebook.

  Around 400 uninvited guests stormed into the family's townhouse in Brighton on Saturday and gatecrashed(擅自参加) the event. They violently forced their way past the adults on duty, breaking light bulbs, knocking over plants and tearing up the garden. Twelve police cars had to be called in to send them on their way. The troublemakers were the Facebook Republican Army, a group who look for teenage parties to crash through social networking sites.

  Yesterday Georgie's mother, Sylvia Meli, said to the newspaper reporter, "It was an absolute horror show. The garden has been ruined and the grass is just mud. I'll never have a party for my daughter here again. I think Facebook is a major cause, as well as texting."

  A gatecrasher said this is just the kind of party they like to gatecrash. They're in their late teens and early 20s and they are quite intimidating. When they turn up at a teenage party they know that no one will dare to say anything to them so they can do what they want. Once they've found a party they put the word out through texts and news spreads fast.

  A Sussex police spokesman said, "There was a sea of people, and it was difficult to move, which was a major safety problem that required a lot of police time and resources." Mrs Meli added, "I do understand at that age they have nowhere to go because they couldn't go to clubs. But invading(蜂拥而入) someone else's party and wasting police time and money is not the answer."

  语篇导读 即将16岁的Georgie在家里举办生日聚会,但"脸书共和军"不请自来,不仅破坏了她的生日聚会,而且把她家弄得乱七八糟。

  1.What made Georgie's parents give up holding the party at a nightclub?

  A.The high cost.  B.The limited time.

  C.The safety problem.  D.The noisy atmosphere.

  解析 A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,Georgie的父母因夜总会费用太高,最终决定在家里为她举办生日聚会,故选A项。

2.What can we know about Georgie's mother?