免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷1
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Unit 1试卷二

一、 给下列单词选择正确的译文。

( ) 1. classroom A. 教师 B. 教室 C. 学生

( ) 2. light A. 电灯 B. 地板 C. 风扇

( ) 3. near the window A. 在窗户旁边 B. 在窗户上 C. 在椅子旁

( ) 4. my picture A. 我的书桌 B. 我的书桌 C. 我的图画

( ) 5. let me help you. A. 我来擦窗户 B. 我来帮你 C. 谢谢

( ) 6. 你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你说:

A. Let me clean the classroom.

B. Let's clean the classroom.

   C. Let's clean the window.

( ) 7. 你想自己擦窗户,你说:

A. Let's clean the desk.

   B. Let me clean the chair.

   C. Let me clean the window.

( ) 8. 你想帮助别人,你对他/她说:

A. Let me help you.

   B. Let you help me.

C. Let's help each other.

( ) 9. 你想知道教室里有什么,你问:

A. Where's the classroom?

B. What's in the classroom?

C. What in the classroom?

( ) 10. 教师办公室在一楼,你说:

A. The teacher's office is on the first floor.

   B. The teacher's office is one.

二、 选出与所给单词同类的一项。

( ) 1. pen A. pencil B. picture

( ) 2. chair A. cat B. desk

( ) 3. window A. fan B. big

( ) 4. two A. one B. too

( ) 5. wall A. water B. floor

( ) 6. where A. can B. what

三、 用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序。

( ) Where is it?

( ) It's a bag.

( ) It's in the desk.

( ) Hi, John. I see a "b".

四、 把下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话。

( ) Good afternoon, Amy. Let's clean the classroom.

( ) OK. Let me clean the blackboard.

( ) Good afternoon, Sarah.