2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future Using language课时作业 (6)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 3 Life in the future Using language课时作业 (6)第3页

  looking around while taking a walk one day in California, she wrote a rhymed poem about the shapes of hills. As a teen, she wrote sonnets(十四行诗) about nature and stories about people in Cuba.

  Some of her books explore the island, its people, markets and landmarks. Her new picture book,"All the Way to Havana," features American cars from the 1940s and 1950s."Forest World", a new novel, introduces Edver to readers, an 11­year­old who lives in Miami, Florida, with his mother and is shipped off to Cuba to see his birthplace and meet his Cuban family. When he arrives in Havana, the capital, he learns he has an older sister, Luza, who stayed on the island with her father and grandfather. The two go on an adventure into a Cuban forest.

  The emotions of the characters are similar to what many children feel when they are separated from loved ones, Engle said. She hopes that people facing similar challenges can find support and comfort in poetry.

  语篇导读 Engle童年时每年往返于古巴和美国,这让她亲近自然,并激发了她的创作热情,最终她成为一位知名的诗人兼作家。

  5.What made Engle a poet?

  A.Her visits to Cuba.

  B.Days spent in California.

  C.Magic skills in practicing writing.

  D.Encouragement from the Poetry Foundation.

  解析 A 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,每年去古巴的经历塑造了她的人生,让她成为了诗人兼作家,故选A项。

  6.We can learn from the text that young Engle probably ________.

  A.enjoyed indoor games

  B.found inspiration in nature

  C.liked exploring cities in Florida

  D.made friends with Cuban people

  解析 B 推理判断题。根据第一段和第四段可知,年幼时的Engle爱上了大自然,写了关于大自然的诗,由此可推知,她从自然中获得了创作灵感,故选B项。

  7.What can we infer about "Forest World"?

  A.It is a new picture book.

  B.It is based on a real­life event.

  C.It talks about an adventure story.

  D.It describes family ties between countries.

解析 D 推理判断题。根据第五段可知,该书描写的是Edver离开美国前往古巴探亲的故事,揭示的是分隔在两个国家的亲情,故选D项。