七上英语《Unit9 My favorite subject is science》练习试卷28
七上英语《Unit9 My favorite subject is science》练习试卷28第2页


1.Emma's favorite day is     .

A.Sunday B.Saturday C.Friday D.Thursday

2.Emma's favorite subject is     .

A.English B.music C.Chinese D.math

3.Emma usually has      lessons a day.

A.two B.three C.five D.seven

4.Emma's favorite teacher is teacher.

A.music B.P.E. C.oral English D.Chinese

5.How many classes do they usually have in the afternoon?

A.Only two classes. B.Five classes. C.Six classes. D.Three classes.

My School Life

Hello! Everyone! I'm Wang Ping. I'm a middle school student in No.2 Middle School.Do you want to know my school life?Let me tell you.

I go to school from Monday to Friday.(1)We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We do many things after class. On Monday afternoon we have sports. On (2)星期二和星期四 afternoons,some of us have art class. My favorite subject is (3)art. On Wednesday and Friday afternoons,we talk to each other (互相) (4) English at the English Corner (英语角).

On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school.(5)我经常和同学们打排球。




9.选择正确的介词填入(4)处横线上: 。A.on B.in C.with D.about



1.The third day of a week is T    .

2.I have a lot of homework today. I am t    .

3.My dog usually runs a      with me.

4.What's your f    subject?

5.We go to school from Monday to F    .

6.An h    is 60 minutes.

7.The book is u    ;it is good for you.

8.Mrs Green is their English t    .

9.I join the art club b     I like drawing.

10.My favorite s     is English.


1.午饭后,他们上生物课。        ,they          .

2.老师们对我们要求很严格。 Our teachers                us.

3.你喜欢和他玩吗? Do you like to               ?

4.课后你通常做什么? What do you usually do          ?

5.我们在星期三早上9点钟上历史课。 We have history at nine o'clock               .


请根据你自己的爱好,以My Favorite为题写一篇小短文,介绍你喜欢的学科、老师、颜色及运动等,可适当发挥。词数50左右。