2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业 (7)第2页


  1.解析:选C 根据该空后的"let your family know ..."可知,所给选项中只有C项符合该处语境。raise a glass意为"祝酒"。

  2.解析:选F 根据上一句中的"came up with"和下一段首的"HANTDE is a reunion time that we all look forward to every year"可知,HANTDE从一项宿舍活动变成了一个年年如此的传统。

  3.解析:选D D项中的"don't see each other that much"和该空后的"become a time to see and be with each other"相互呼应。

  4.解析:选E 该空后的内容是对E项"你也可以把庆祝变成一种高尚的目标"的举例。

  5.解析:选B 根据该空后的"the debts you paid off or the friends you've made"可知,应该回首自己近来的成就。

第二节 .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  I recently read a quote by Louisa May Alcott. It said, "We all have our own life to pursue, and our own kind of __1__ to realize. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep __2__." Her words reminded me of a __3__ about a man who had a dream. It was a dream that became his burning __4__ and a dream that took him thirty years to achieve. It was a dream that had to be put on hold several times, a dream that dashed his __5__ by circumstances beyond his immediate control, and a dream that cost him his life when it is finally __6__.

  Some of you must __7__ this story, in the story this man dealt with __8__ businesses, personal bankruptcies, and personal tragedies but __9__ gave up despite all the challenges. It's a story that should __10__ you to do what you want. You know, this was a(n) __11__ man who wasn't born to wealth, who had to __12__ himself to gain knowledge, but he was a man who had a __13__ vision that would not be dimmed (使变暗淡) by the failures over many years. This man was Abraham Lincoln.

A lot of us won't even want to __14__ waiting thirty years to accomplish a dream or a goal no matter how __15__ it is. For most of us, we want to achieve what we want __16__. And if a goal __17__ too long for us to achieve, we will usually abandon it. Now, step back a minute and look at your own life, your goals, and your dreams. If this story of great perseverance (坚持) __18__ anything to you, it should be this - you can be empowered to absolutely __19__ any obstacles or roadblocks until you've realized your __20__ desires. Do it as Abraham Lincoln did!