免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷11
免费下载PEP四上英语《Unit1 My classroom》练习检测复习试卷11第4页

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A. Turn on the light . B. Sweep the floor . C. Open the door.

D. Put up the picture. E. Clean the window.

九、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否一致,一致的在括号里打√,不一致的打×。 ( ) 1. A. cat B. bag ( ) 2. A. dad B. hate

( ) 3. A. cake B. Kate ( ) 4. A. hat B. make

十、短文阅读,对的写"T",错的写"F"。 (10分)

  This is my classroom. It is very big. The wall is white. You can see a teacher's desk, a computer, four pictures, five windows and six lights. The computer is black. It's on the teacher's desk. The pictures are on the wall. The windows are yellow. The lights are green. You can see many desks and chairs. They are blue.

( )1. The classroom is small.

( )2. The six pictures are on the wall.

( )3. The windows are yellow.

( )4. The computer is on the teacher's desk.

( )5. The desks and chairs are blue.

十一、阅读对话,判断正 √ 错×。

A: We have a new classroom.

B: OK. Let's go and have a look.

A: Look, five fans and four doors.

B: And a new computer. It's cool.

A: I like my new classroom.

B: Me too.

( ) 1. We have a new classroom.

( ) 2. We have two fans.

( ) 3. We have six lights.

( ) 4. We have a new computer.

( ) 5. We like the new classroom.