2018-2019学年译林版高中英语牛津版必修一学案:Unit1School life《Project》学案1
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语牛津版必修一学案:Unit1School life《Project》学案1第1页


Unit One School life

Part One Knowledge

I Word study:

1. experience (c) an event that affects people in some way 经历

I shall never forget my first ~ in the summer camp.


(u)the process of gaining knowledge or skill by doing and seeing things 经验

You need more time to gain practical ~.


vt . feel or have ~ of

The small village has ~ed great changes in the last thirty years.


Adj. experienced

2. attend vt go to or be present at

~ school/assembly /a meeting/a wedding etc

Over two hundred people ~ed the charity show.


attend to 专心于/照顾

Attend to your work and stop talking.

Are you being attended to ?

Could you attend to this matter immediately?

3. earn vt get something because of one's qualities or actions 赢得

get money by working 挣得,赚得

He ~ed a lot of praise from the newspapers for his new book.

He ~ed a hard living by carrying bricks up a ladder ten hours a day.


4. average adj. Usual ,typical or normal 平均的

      n a usual level 平均

The working hours for most people are 40 hours a week.

Wages for industrial workers have increased by an ~ of 7.5%.

average v.

The cost of our lunches ~ed 50 yuan a week.

    on average

We fail one student per year on average.

5. miss vt feel sorry or unhappy at the absence or loss of 怀念

I miss living in the countryside.
