2019届外研版高中英语选修7精讲学案:3.2 Section Ⅱ Integrating Skills Cultural Corner Word版含解析
2019届外研版高中英语选修7精讲学案:3.2 Section Ⅱ Integrating Skills Cultural Corner Word版含解析第1页



  1.I believe he is ________ (concern) about all those matters you mention.

  2.It's ________ (legal) for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain.

  3.Troops were ________ (distribute) all over the country.

  4.It is my ________ (intend) to go for a tour.

  5.At last he ________ (attain) to a position of great influence.

  6.A piece of work is waiting to be ________ (accumulate).

  7.People deeply ________ (mourn) over Premier Zhou's death.

  8.I will ________ (repay) this money as soon as I can.

  答案:1.concerned 2.illegal 3.distributed 4.intention 5.attained 6.accumulated 7.mourned 8.repay



  1.She often ________ headaches.

  2.He was captured, but tried to ________ the country.

  3.Many facts emerged ________ the investigation.

  4.He ________ drawing when he was a child.

  5.She spent ________ money on that coat.

  6.By the king's order this man is to ________, and given prison food till I come back in peace.

  7.I was caught in the rain on my way home. ________ I had a bad cold.

  8.When do you ________ go to London?

  9.Peter may ________ this, but I don't really care.

  10.See if you can ________ me ________ in this photo.

  11.I have something to tell you, but I'll speak to you about it ________.

  12.Our school ________ a rural area.

  答案:1.suffers from 2.escape from 3.as a result of

  4.was fond of 5.a huge amount of 6.be put in prison

  7.As a result 8.intend to 9.disagree with 10.pick; out 11.in private 12.lies in


  1.He ________ ________ ________ horror at the bad news.


  2.Most of the big cities of the world ________ ________ traffic jams.


  3.It is ________ ________ ________ mine. My greatest concern is my study at present.


  4.The earthquake broke out last night, ________ many injuries and deaths.


  5.He is ________ ________ ________ he worked out the math problem in two minutes.


答案:1.was filled with 2.suffer from 3.no concern of 4.causing 5.so