2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修4优化教案:Module 3 单元小结
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修4优化教案:Module 3  单元小结第1页


  We can use body language to communicate with each other. Some of the body language is used unconsciously and can give away much about us. Now, let's learn more about it.

  Body language varies from culture to culture. Traditionally, in many western countries when people say hello to others, they often shake hands. The gesture means "I'm not carrying a threatening weapon and not aggressive, so you needn't be on guard." When people make a deal, they often shake hands. To show friendliness, they often hug. In Asian countries, greetings involve hand­shake, bow, "salaam" and so on. All of them mean politeness or respect to others. They're formal greetings.

  But today some informal greetings are widely used among the youth. For example, "Give me five!" is a quite common greeting. One person holds up his hands, palm outwards and five fingers spread. The other person lifts up his hands and slaps the other's above the head in a "high five".

  We can clap to show our appreciation when we watch a live performance. When the performers do well, we often prolong our applause. In classical Athens, applause meant judgement and taking part. Handclap is infectious and social. Meanwhile, it shows the equality between the performers and the audience.

  It is important to be polite. When you receive an invitation, you should write a reply whether you accept it or not. When someone does you a favor, you should express "thanks". It's rude to stare at others in public.  



