2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4优化教案:Unit 10 Section Ⅵ Lesson 4
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4优化教案:Unit 10  Section Ⅵ Lesson 4第1页








  Remote Headphones

  These fantastic① headphones② from Philips have no wires③. You can listen to your favourite programmes while you are walking round the house or garden④! You can listen to relaxing⑤ music in the bath⑥!

  With Remote Headphones you can go up to⑦ sixty metres away from your radio or TV. The signals⑧ go through⑨ glass, doors and walls. These exciting, new headphones give you freedom\s\up1(10(10) to move around⑪ plus top quality sound. Excellent value at⑫:£80.45

  Mini Camera

  Interested in⑬ photography⑭? Fujiko has produced an amazing new mini camera - the advanced⑮ 1001ix. It is no bigger than⑯ a credit card⑰! It is convenient⑱ and very reliable. It is really easy to use, too. It has an automatic⑲ focus⑳ and flash\s\up1(21(21), so you don't have to worry about anything. It's also made from\s\up1(22(22) an attractive and strong material. The Mini Camera is not expensive either!



  ①fantastic adj.奇异的,了不起的,神奇的




  ⑤relaxing adj.轻松的,令人放松的(说明事物所具有的特征)

  relaxed adj.轻松的,不紧张的(说明人所处的状态)


  ⑦up to达到(某数量、程度);直到

  ⑧signal/'sIɡnl/n.信号,暗号 make/give a signal发信号

⑨go through穿过,通过