2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8学案:Module 2 The Renaissance
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语选修8学案:Module 2  The Renaissance第1页

  Module 2 The Renaissance






1.frontier n. 新领域

2.anecdote n. 趣闻,轶事

3.spokesman n. 发言人;代言人

4.burglar n. 窃贼,小偷

5.antique adj. 古时制造的,古董的

6.basement n. 地下室;地下层

7.courtyard n. 庭院,院子

8.parcel n. (小)包裹

9.circulate v. 流传;传播

10.tentative adj. 不确定的;试探性的

11.substitute n. 代替物;代替品

12.outcome n. 结果;后果

13.manuscript n. 底稿;手稿

14.passion n. 激情,热爱

15.squeeze v. 榨出;挤出;压出(液体) Ⅱ.重点单词(写其形)

1.dull adj.   枯燥的;沉闷的

2.subject n. (绘画,摄影等的)主题

3.overnight adj. 持续整夜的

4.passer­by n. (过)路人

5.flee v. 逃跑,逃掉

6.behalf n. 方面;利益

7.fundamental adj. 根本的;基本的

8.merely adv. 仅仅;只不过

9.blame n. (对错事或坏事应负的)责任

10.rural adj. 农村的,乡村的

11.loss n. 丢失;丧失

12.chief adj. 最重要的;首要的

13.drawback n. 不利因素

14.superb adj. 极好的;超级的 Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)

1.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的→disturbed adj.被打扰的;不安的;心理失常的→disturb v.打扰;扰乱;使不安

2.basically adv.基本上,本质上,大致说来→basic adj.基本/基础的;初级的→base n.基础 v.以......为基础

3.effect n.效果;作用→effective adj.有效的;实际的

4.motivate v.激发/励→motivation n.动机;刺激;推动

5.skilled adj.有技巧的,熟练的→skill n.技能;技巧→skillful adj.灵巧的

6.appeal v.恳求;呼吁→appealing adj.有吸引力的

7.suspect n.(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子 v.怀疑→suspicious adj.可疑的

8.gifted adj.有天赋/才华的→gift n.天赋/才;礼物

9.inspire v.鼓舞,激励→inspiration n.灵感;启示;鼓舞

10.profession n.职业→professional adj.专业/职业的→professor n.教授 [语境活用]

1.The expert said relievers are a safe and effective medicine and have very few side effects on your body.(effect)

2.Most people think a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life and it is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.(motivate)

3.The disturbing news made people present at the meeting disturbed.(disturb)

4.Basically,_his income only meets basic living expenses.So he only chooses a simple lifestyle based on his limited salary.(base)

5.The police suspected that two of the suspects caught yesterday were connected with another case.They were more suspicious.(suspect)

6.Even if you are a gifted man, you should not take your gift for granted.Make full use of it and you'll succeed.(gift)