2019届高考英语译林版必修4探究学案:Unit 1 Period Six Word版含答案
2019届高考英语译林版必修4探究学案:Unit 1 Period Six  Word版含答案第1页

生词讲解(Unit 1, Book4)

1. persuade: (v.)(成功地)说服 【比较】advise (v.) 劝说

1) I tried to persuade my dad to quit smoking but failed.我曾劝我爸戒烟,但却失败了。

2) Police are advising people to stay at home. 警方告诫民众要呆在家里。

※ persuasive (adj.) 有说服力的:persuasive words/arguments有说服力的话(论点)

2. be mean to/for 旨在......

1) What he said was meant to persuade the public to support him.

2) He's never meant for the army. 他根本就不是当兵的料。 3) This movie is not meant for people under the age of 18.

4) Although this plan is meant to benefit students, it is not practical. 虽然这计划旨在使学生都受益,可不现实。

5) This software is meant to protect computers from being attacked by viruses. 这软件旨在保护电脑防御病毒攻击。

※6) This software meant to protect computer from being attacked by viruses sells well.


7) I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to. 对不起,弄疼你了。我不是故意的。

8) Really sorry for the trouble - I didn't mean to bother you. 非常抱歉,给


9) - Why didn't you help your mom wash the dishes? 你为什么不帮你妈妈洗盘子?

-- I meant to. But she refused and asked me to study. 我本打算去(洗的),可她拒绝了,要我去学习。

3. breath (n.) 呼吸;气息 - breathe (v.) 呼吸,吸气

1) How long can you hold your breath? 你能屏住呼吸多久?

 2) We were out of breath after only 5 minutes. 五分钟后,我们就气喘吁吁了。

 3) I took a lot of breath persuading him to take my advice. 我费了很多口舌才说服他听从我的建议。

 4) His brilliant voice took my breath away. 他那明亮的嗓子让我惊叹不已。

 5) Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air. 大部分人没有意识到自己正呼吸着污染的空气。

4. fool: 1) (n.) 傻瓜,笨蛋; 2) (v.) 愚弄,骗弄 - foolish (adj.) 愚蠢的

1) I'm no fool. Don't try to fool me. 我根本就不是傻瓜,你休想糊弄我。

2) He's fooled many people into believing that he's a rich man. 他已经骗了很多人相信他是个富人。(fool sb. into doing..)

3) I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of the audience. 我可不想在观众面前出丑。(make a fool of oneself)

4) He never does anything meaningful; he just fools around/about all day. 他向来不做任何有意义的事,总是整天瞎混。

5. cure: 1) (v.) 治愈;治疗好 2) (n.) 疗法;对策

1) She went all out to earn money to cure her father.她卯足劲地挣钱,为了把父亲治好。

 2) Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? 大夫,你能把他治好吗?

3) TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. 肺病是一种严重的疾病,但却能治好。

4) He thinks it's the only possible cure for our mistakes. 他认为这可能是唯一的纠正我们错误的方法。

5) The best cure for sadness is a hearty laugh. 治疗忧伤的良方就是开怀大笑。

6. pleased: 高兴的;满意的- pleasant: 令人愉快的;神清气爽的,宜人的 - please (v.) 取悦,使愉快

1) I was pleased to hear you've been promoted. 听说你高升了,我很高兴。(be pleased to do/be...)

2) I'm very pleased that you're getting along well with your studies. 我很高兴你的学习进展得不错。(be pleased that...)

3) Mr. Pan is very pleased with our test result. 潘老师对我们的考试成绩很满意。(be pleased with 对......满意)

=Mr. Pan is very satisfied/happy with our test result.

4) pleasant smell好闻的气味;pleasant climate宜人的气候;What a pleasant surprise! 这真是一件令人又惊又喜的事儿。

5) She's a difficult woman to please. 她是个难以取悦的女人。=It's difficult to please her. 取悦她很难。

6) - Would you like some coffee? 你想喝点咖啡吗? -- Oh yes, please! 哦,是的。太谢谢你啦。

7) Don't compare me with her. Please! 别拿我跟她比。求你了!

7. comment 1. (n.) 评论,评价;2. 评述,表达意见

1) --Have you any comment to make about the trial? 对这次的审判你有何评论吗? -- No comment. 无可奉告!

2) Experts will make comment on each player's performance afterwards. 专家们事后将对每一位运动员的表现作出评议。

3) You didn't comment on my new dress. 你怎么没对我的新裙子说点啥呀?