六年级上册外研版英语《Module1 Unit1》教案教学设计免费下载
六年级上册外研版英语《Module1 Unit1》教案教学设计免费下载第1页

Module1 Uint1

It's more than twenty thousand kilomrtres long.


1.掌握more then/thousand/kilometre/million/something

2.掌握:(1)It's a picture of _________.

(2) Can you tell me somthing about_______?

Tell me more about_________.

(3) How long is it?

It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.

(4) How big is it?

It has got more than eight million peple.



1.T:I had a happy holiday. How were your holidays? Did you have a happy holiday too?(热身,请学生回答)。

2.Where did you go for your summer holidays?

3.Where did Ms Wang go?Can you guess? OK,I will give you one tip.(提示).------- It's in China. Can you guess?We need more(更多的) tips.

当我们想知道更多的信息时,How to say?

Tell me more about it.(告诉我更多关于它的情况。教读后,让学生运用该句来问我)