教案《Module7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo》教学设计
教案《Module7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo》教学设计第1页

Module 7 unit 1

There is a horse in this photo

Teaching goals:

知识与技能:短语:there is, there are, have a look.句型:There is a horse in this photo.学习运用Thereis/There are 句型表达看到的事情。

过程与方法:Listen, read, discuss ,practice

情感态度与价值观:通过学习"There be(有)"结构,让学生领悟拥有的概念。

Importance and difficuities:

1、There is a horse in this photo.

It's running fast.

2、There are some nice photos.

Let's have a look.

Teaching courses:

Step 1 复习旧知




e.g.He is running.

She is reading.

He is swimming.

She is jumping.

Step 2、New lesson

  1、T:What can you see in the picture?

Ss: There is a horse.

  2、教师板书:There is a horse in this photo.



(2)There is+单数

e.g. There is an apple.(有一个苹果)

There is a banana.(有一个香蕉)

Have Ss make sentences with "There is......"

Ask some Ss to write the sentences on the blackboard.

(3)There are+复数

e.g.There are two apples.(有两个苹果)

There are three bananas.(有三个香蕉)

Have Ss make sentences with"There are ......"

(4)学习顺口溜:there is, there are, 某地有某物。

there is 用单数,there are 用复数。


  让学生看课文,用"There is......"和"There are ......"描述课文中的图片。领读,并翻译课文。学生自读课文。
