2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修4创新教案:Module 6 Section 2
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修4创新教案:Module 6 Section 2第1页




  1.It is important to keep calm (镇静) in an emergency.

  2.Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface (表面) of the moon.

  3.We followed the footprints (脚印) of a deer in the snow.

  4.A woman was attacked (袭击) and robbed by a gang of youths.

  5.In the unlikely (不可能) event of a strike, production would be badly affected.

  6.Many experts remain sceptical (怀疑的) about his claims.

  7.She's an actress whose inner life has remained mysterious (神秘的).

  8.Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster (怪物)?


  1.exist vi.存在→existence n.存在

  2.sharp adj.锋利的;尖的→sharply adv.急剧地→sharpen vt.使锋利

  3.mysterious adj.神秘的→mystery n.神秘;奥秘

  4.frightening adj.吓人的→frighten v.使害怕→frightened adj.害怕的→fright n.害怕;恐惧

  5.creature n.动物;生物→create v.创造→creation n.创造→creative adj.有创造力的

  6.hairy adj.毛的,多毛的→hair n.头发,毛发


词 exist (v.) +­ence existence (n.) sharp (adj.) +­en (动词后缀) sharpen (v.) mystery (n.) 变y为i+­ous mysterious (adj.) hair (n.) +­y hairy (adj.)   Ⅲ.补全短语

  1.go close to  接近;靠近

  2.exist on 靠......生活,生存

  3.cover an area of 占地......面积

  4.instead of 而不是

  5.be back in the news 再次成为新闻

  6.stick out 伸出

  7.be sceptical about 对......怀疑


  1.[教材原句]A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who was visiting the lake with his family.




  Do you want to read it a third time?

  2.[教材原句]He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water.
