2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教学创新设计:Unit 4 Section 4
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教学创新设计:Unit 4 Section 4第1页



  Ⅰ.Match the topic sentence with proper paragraph.

  Para.1  A.We visited the moon in our spaceship!

  Para.2 B.When we got there, I wanted to explore immediately.

  Para.3 C.But returning to the earth was very frightening.

  Para.4 D.Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me ... the most powerful.

  答案:Paras.1~4 ADBC

  Ⅱ.Choose the best answers according to the text.

  1.When we were going up, we felt ________.

  A.we were pressed against our seats

  B.we were lighter than we are on the earth

  C.as if we were flying

  D.the rocket was shaking strongly

  2.Why can't the spaceship fall back to the earth?

  A.Because the moon's gravity pulls it up.

  B.Because it is too far away from the earth.

  C.Because the earth has no gravity.

  D.Because the spaceship is not very heavy.

  3.When I was on the moon, I felt I was ________ than I am on the earth.

  A.slower        B.heavier

  C.cleverer D.lighter

  4.If a baby is growing on the moon, when he grows up, he will grow ________ than he is on the earth.

  A.taller B.shorter

  C.fatter D.thinner

  5.The passage mainly talks about ________.

  A.what the moon is

B.my visit to the moon