2018--2019学年译林版必修一Unit 3 looking good, feeling good 语言点(背诵)学案
2018--2019学年译林版必修一Unit 3 looking good, feeling good 语言点(背诵)学案第1页

 Unit 3 looking good, feeling good 语言点(背诵)学案

1. work out regularly to keep fit

work out/ figure out a problem / work out a plan

work out the expenses

work out (=understand) the meaning of this poem

 Things worked out well/ turned out to be fine as planned.

2. a slim figure the sales figure a great figure

 figure out how to do it/ figure out how much the trip will cost

3. be ashamed to do sth.

be ashamed of(doing) sth.

be ashamed that clause

4. work/ help/ do

5. recover (v. )---recovery (n.)

 recover oneself/ one's memory/ health/ strength/ eyesight/ consciousness

recover from the illness/ operation

6. His efforts ended in failure. The party is a failure.

 heart failure/power failure the failure of eyesight

fail to do sth. / fail in sth.(doing sth.)

7. Sea water contains salt./ The hall can contain 2000 people.

Five people were killed in the accident , including two kids / two kids included.

8. do/ cause damage to sb. / sth.

 Smoking can cause/ do damage to your health.. = Smoking can damage your health.

 do harm/ good to sb./ sth.

 be good for sb./ sth. be harmful to sb./ sth. Be

9. attract/ draw one's attention an attractive town

have attraction for sb./ sth. tourist attractions

10. embarrass v. embarrassed adj. embarrassing adj. embarrassment n.

be embarrassed by/at/about sth.

He was embarrassed at the embarrassing question.

much/ greatly to one's embarrassment/ to one's great embarrassment

11. keep a balanced diet a healthy diet be/ go on a diet/diets

be always dieting

12. have an/no/little/much/great effect on / side effects

affect vt The bad weather had an effect on our work./=The bad weather affected our work.

13. a piece of equipment

be equipped with/ equip... for...

14. make the most of/ make the best of/ make full use of/ make good use of/ make better use of

15. count numbers/ Every point in this game counts.

count on/ depend on/ rely on sb. to do sth./ for sth.

16. concentrate/ fix/ focus one's attention on/ upon sth.

17. suffer a loss of sth/ be at a loss what to do sth. / make up a loss

18. A large amount of damage was done in a short time.

Large amounts of damage were done in a short time.