2017--2018学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Using language课时学案
2017--2018学年人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news Using language课时学案第1页

Unit 4 Making the news Using language课时学案



本单元的写作项目属于新课标中应用体类别中的"新闻报道"。 新闻报道属于说明类或记叙类的文章,是对最近发生的重大事实的报道。它具有迅速、及时、简短、明了的特点。写好一篇新闻稿要注意以下几点:

1. 提炼好新闻标题(headline):标题是新闻报道的灵魂和精华。新闻标题既要把最吸引人的地方体现出来, 又要做到言简意赅、直击主题。为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。好的标题应该简洁明了。如:

①A Terrible Earthquake

②A Sandstorm Hit the Northwest

③China-The First Spacewalk

2. 写好新闻导语(the news lead):新闻导语是新闻报道开头的第一句话,它一般是对整个报道的一个概括,


①September 29,2011 saw China's first step towards building a space station.

②On October 23,2011 a terrible earthquake struck the east of Turkey.

3. 详述事件过程(process):写完导语后,文章接下来要按照事件发展的时间顺序具体阐述导语中的相关信息,


①The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchuan county,Sichuan Province.

②They had to put up tents because it was raining hard.

③The government sent 4,000 firefighters and policemen there to help them move to a safe place.

4. 进行必要的评论(comment):根据写作的需要可对新闻事件进行必要的评论,以达到深化主题,给读者留下深刻印象的目的。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结束语中提出令人深思的问题。如:

①In a word,it is necessary for us to learn to protect ourselves.